
Whether you’re dealing with agricultural, territorial, industrial, residual household waste, or DWTP sludge biogas plants, Ovive offers support for two effluents — biogas and digestates. We have also long offered this same support for another type of biogas plant: NHWSF

More than 300 units use Ovive HF in France

To learn more about what Ovive does in the methanization sector, contact us today.

Agricultural waste biogas plant in Plougar (29)

Construction of a digestate treatment plant:

Agricultural waste biogas plant in Obernai (67)

Treating H2S from Biogas :

Parameters Input Discharge
COD - mg/l 30 000 2 000
NGL - g/l 4 000 1
Flow rate - m3/hr 2
Parameters Input Discharge
H2S - ppm 300 20
Flow rate - Nm3/hr 100