Plant-Based Solutions
Planted Reed Drying Beds (PRDB)
The reeds are planted on the surface of the bed, which they densely cover. They develop a network of roots, similar to a drainage system, that spreads during the steady accumulation of sludge across the layer height (usually, more than a meter). The dissolved matter decomposes due to the biomass of aerobic bacteria on the filter medium as well as on the settled bed that accumulates on the surface. The beds must be cleared of excess dry and mineralized sludge every 5 to 8 years.
- Sizing :
The core principal behind sizing is the annual loading rate of Dry Matter per m2 the system can handle.
The drying beds are usually divided into compartments to distribute the drainage and give the bed time to dry.
- Advantages :
(SRC) Short Rotation Coppice
The SRC is a planted area usually featuring selected species of willows kept growing by one harvest every 2 to 3 years. They are fed in a controlled way by a microirrigation network to take advantage of the willows’ evapotranspiration capabilities and nutrient requirements.
Soil particles filter used water and suspend elements. Macro and microorganisms in the soil transform and stabilize nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, potassium, etc.) Willows, a fast-growing plant, absorb these elements to grow.
Key figures for SRC in France today:
- More than 375,000 meters of irrigation networks installed
- Over 170 hectares installed and operating
- Over 2,650,000 trees planted
Waste treatment by evapotranspiration
Treatment arranging greenhouse ecosystems that act as filters where mineral and organic elements are:
- Set in extremely adsorbent-rich substrates
- Eroded and consumed by intense biological activity
Capable of ‘zero discharge’. Advantages:
- Easy, low-cost operation
- Treatment efficiency adapted on a case-by-case basis
- Year-round treatment